I've been following The Farm Chicks ever since I first flipped through my Mom's copy of The Farm Chicks In The Kitchen. I'm drawn to the colors, graphics, and styling of everything included under The Farm Chicks umbrella.
Serena Thompson is the woman behind this wonderful company. She classifies herself as an author, entrepreneur, and contributing editor to Country Living Magazine (one of my favorites!). Oh and on top of that, she's also a mom of four! I love that she includes that in her title. It is a small indication of her humble spirit.
Every year she has The Farm Chicks Antiques Show out in Washington, where she's located. I haven't been yet, but it remains high on my bucket list.
Every year she has The Farm Chicks Antiques Show out in Washington, where she's located. I haven't been yet, but it remains high on my bucket list.
We're here today, though, to introduce you to her latest venture. She's started
a site that allows you to share your favorite finds, "shoppes," and events. I've had the opportunity to take a test run and I enjoyed it so much! My favorite part about the whole thing is that you get to share the story behind what you find. There have been so many times where I've walked out with a find that makes me want to jump up and down. Now, you can share that feeling with so many others. I think it's also going to be such a great way to highlight small businesses.
She was gracious enough to answer a few of my questions:
Describe a Farm Chick with three words.
Happy, Creative, and Kind
What goes through your mind as you see people walking around The Farm Chicks Antiques Show every year?
I'm honestly overwhelmed by the whole experience. I've never seen anything like it and it's hard to put into words creating something that you love so much and that it turns out, so many others do too.
I noticed you wear a lot of aprons. Do you have a favorite or one that has a special story?
I do love aprons. They're just so sweet to me. I have a huge collection and each one means something to me. Some were gifts, some I found while out thrifting - they all have a story that I think of when I wear each one.
My blog is titled "Sing and Don't Be Silent" and has become my motto. Do you have a motto that describes your outlook on life?
I love your motto! I don't really have a motto, but I believe in living a happy life and to surround yourself and your family with positive influences. It's so important.
What song has been stuck in your head recently?
Haha. This is an ongoing theme with me. I always have songs playing in my mind and when I hear certain things, it makes me think of a new song.
We all have dreams but they are not always fulfilled. What has been a disappointment you experienced and how did you move on or recover from that?
Sometimes I talk about having a childhood full of struggles. What that experience did for me was to make me incredibly strong and loyal and to be so thankful for what I'm given each day. I think no matter what you're situation, you need to make the most out of it.
What is "My Favorite Find?"
My Favorite Find is sort of like a virtual show-and-tell. It's a site where you can seek, find, and share great shoppes and events like auctions, yard sales, antiques shows and more in your area, and then show-and-tell your finds. Until now, there's been nothing like it.
Who do you hope to reach with "My Favorite Find?"
My goal is to connect the seekers and the finders with the show producers and small business owners of the world. I'm so lucky to have a huge base of readers that are this demographic and we can all build up this amazing site together and create a resource for the world.
What was the inspiration behind "My Favorite Find?"
I was receiving mail from readers all over the world, wanting to know where they could find great local shoppes or events and from others wanting to promote their businesses and shows. Since I couldn't find a resource for them, I knew I needed to create it myself. So I did!
What has been your ultimate "favorite find?"
I once bought a shirt at a yard sale for .10 cents and sold it for $860!
You can read more of Serena's thoughts on her own blog.
Here's what I've shared so far at My Favorite Find. I know I'll be adding more soon!
My mom and I found this Brach's Candy Shop shelf. She's always wanted a candy shelf to use as a display. It needs a lot of work, but we couldn't resist those graphics!
I found these glasses below--$10 for the whole set! I've been watching the first four seasons of Mad Men over my break, so my current inspiration has been straight from the 1960s.
What is your favorite find? Share your find and its story today over at My Favorite Find! Thanks again, Serena!